Poughkeepsie Book Festival

This Saturday, March 30, I’ll be at The Poughkeepsie Book Festival with copies of my book, THE OSPREY MAN. Each child under 17 who attends gets a voucher for $15, with which they can buy a book from one of the over 100 authors and illustrators who will be there. So come and support this great library–they put on this and plenty of other amazing events every year. Bring the family for a fun day filled with books and activities.

The Osprey Man update

Hello all! Thanks to those of you who have purchased a copy of The Osprey Man. As I wrote here last August, the publisher of the novel, Daniel Willis, passed away. There was talk of his company, DX Varos, being sold to a new publisher, but that hasn’t yet materialized. I have not received any statements or royalties since Daniel’s passing, and so I want to ask that if you are thinking of buying a copy, PLEASE DON’T USE THE PUBLISHER SITE, as I’ll get nothing from it and will have no way of knowing it sold. I don’t even think the publisher is still fulfilling orders. If you want it, please write me directly–I have some copies left that I can sign and sell.

I am working on getting my rights back to the book, as it seems the publisher is no longer functioning. Thanks again for your support of the book.

I have other things in the works that I hope to share soon.