Andrew Vachss On Writing

I was reading this interview with Andrew Vachss, a writer I admire, and I love this quote.

“Writing is not a meritocracy. Nor is it a fair fight. By what criteria is writing measured? That’s right: by the personal tastes of the reader. And most readers are sheep who prefer to be guided by “reviewers” or bestseller lists. So just as I know there are better writers out there who will never get published, I believe there are better actors out there who will never get their chance before the cameras, better directors who will never get the financing, better singers than will ever get recorded…so, if it were truly up to me, I’d have an “open call” and let the best man (for that role) win.”

For the entire interview:

Sadly, Vachss passed away last year, but he left an amazing body of work.